HazyGreenRoad's Intro // Why I Chose This Name

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Welcome to my blog!

I'm so glad you stumbled upon my little haven. This blog may just be starting but I promise you it will be filled with the most love I can possibly give and also filled with so many resources that may come in handy one day!

- So what exactly is this blog all about? -

HazyGreenRoad is a compilation of so many things. Don't worry though! This won't become overwhelming; I promise. Some subjects I plan on blogging about are:
1. Photography - This will be my number one topic, simply because I am a photographer first and a blogger second. This means that I may post anything from my own photographs to tutorials to other resources such as presets and actions. Only time will tell!
2. Food & Recipes - This may be my own recipes, a great restaurant I came across, or simply some inspiration I stumble upon that I'd like to share with you.
3. Parenting - As a new first-time mom, I feel that it's important to share my story and things I learn as I go. This topic may feature posts about motherhood in general, techniques, activities, and even some fathering posts if I can get the inspiration to do so.
4. Home Design & Decor - This will probably mainly be inspirational posts for the time being until we can get a place of our own, but I promise to offer the best pictures I can find of interiors and exteriors.
5. Nature - This is an essential one. This can range from pictures that aren't mine to informational posts on how to save the planet. I am a nature lover and I'd like to share that with you through this little haven of mine.
6. Locations - This will consist of inspirational places that I'd love to visit and will always be up for debate and open for reviews. This also could be places I've already visited and am more than eager to blab about to you!
7. DIY - I rarely have the time or money to craft my own crafts, but when I come across projects that I plan on doing, have done, or think my readers will enjoy, you bet your sweet booty that I'm gonna share the heck out of it.

- So this brings on the question: Why did I name my blog HazyGreenRoad? -

For starters, please refer to the image in this post. That image is the view from the front door of the house I'm staying in. Not only does it show how beautiful nature can be, even in the city, but it's also the location that I first met my fiance. I met him in July of 2011 because my friend's friend had invited him to go with us to see the fireworks in another city. We had picked him up in this location, in front of his grandmother's house (in which he lived at the time and now we both do). That is where our relationship began. Not the dating, but just meeting him and knowing he was different somehow than everyone else I'd known. But this doesn't explain the name though, right? Right. So why did I pick that name? Well, I took this picture one foggy morning and it turned out to be one of my favorite images. With it being in front of my home, I feel it as a safe haven in nature, and since my blog will be very nature-friendly (and me being a nature freak as it is) I figured that's the perfect name. I didn't want to focus the blog's name on my photography name because, well.. the blog's not only about my photography. Obviously, I didn't want to list the name of the actual street I live on because, let's be honest, that's not all that safe on the internet. Although... "HereOn____Street" does sound like a decent blog name. (Feel free to take inspiration from that if you are a new blogger trying to come up with a name!) Maybe not the most important aspect, but definitely the one that was the tie-breaker was that the name had to not only fit the blog style, blog subjects, and blog title, but that it also had to sound decent as a url. I feel that I've done a good job with my blog name and I think it will serve many years to come as a place that will inspire not only my readers, but myself as well.

Does this sound like your type of blog? Feel free to spread the word about my blog's opening and don't forget to comment below if you think I should add any other topics to my blog that you'd like to see!


  1. Excited to follow along! Blogging is so much fun and I'm sure you're going to enjoy it!


    1. Thank you so much! You're my first viewer, I believe (still trying to figure out how to add Google Analytics to the html here on blogger...quite different than tumblr, which is the only html I've worked with before this). I sincerely hope you enjoy your stay and have the patience to bear with me through my rough, and probably very slow, beginning of this adventure. :)


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