Weekly Finds // 01

Saturday, November 7, 2015

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inspirational weekly finds

This week is the beginning of my first series, "Weekly Finds." Each week, I will post anywhere from seven to ten things that I found that week. To kick the series off, I'd like to share my top seven finds of this week!

1. This beautiful and minimalist cast iron teapot.
2. The new Harry Potter illustrated book. (gasping of joy over here!)
3. This extremely helpful post on popular instagram hashtags.
4. This gem of a paper shop! (could really help out with organizing)
5. This adorable reindeer winter pillow.
6. This cute little table tray that is completely multi-use for so many things!
7. Lastly, this glorious recipe that I'm dying to try. (Also check out their whole blog; it's truly amazing!)


  1. Those pretzels really do look amazing! And I am also dying over the illustrated Harry Potter! Yes please!


    1. I bought the ingredients to make those pretzels, and more than likely they won't actually be pretzels since I'm terrible at shaping, but I'm extremely excited to try it out! Although mine will be without marinara, but I'm sure they are still delicious! And yessss! Harry Potter is by far my favorite series and I'm a huge fan. Definitely on my Christmas list.

  2. Okay so you had me at the teapot and totally won me over at the recipe!!! Love it! You have a new follower for sure. Happy blogging!

    1. Oh goodness, thank you so much! I can't believe the few followers I have are so nice. Most social people I come across aren't as sweet. :)

      I totally want that teapot, isn't it lovely?! If only it was a bit cheaper. Black and gold though are definitely good collaborating colors. I actually bought the ingredients for that recipe, just have to make it still! Been having sinus and cold problems lately so I know I'll get to it once this passes. Definitely making a blog post out of the process, so once that's up, I hope it's as exciting to read as it will be to make!


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