Get more motivated
I'm gonna get real with this post. Very real. I've always been a sort of lazy, sluggish person until this year. I've been motivated time to time, but on average, I used to sit at my laptop and play games and deal with social media all the time. Then I got pregnant, and of course I knew I had to grow up. Since then, I've definitely improved, but not as much as I'd like. I don't get near as much done as some of my friends that have kids. I have one friend who I graduated high school with that has two kids, a dog, does the grocery shopping, cleans every day, maintains perfect hygiene, and still has the time to parent her kids perfectly, all while her husband is at work. I can barely go to the bathroom without screaming. I mean, of course, having a little one is going to impact you, but I feel like I should be doing more than I do. And this also comes along with the environment I live in. Everyone is negative, there's no natural lighting hardly, no room for anything, and that's just a few of the stronger points. In the new year, I'd like to become more motivated, whatever it takes.
- Related Post: New Feature Series: Small Changes -
This one is easier. Well, sort of. I can easily organize my blog more, but it's the aesthetic I'm worried about. I want to keep my blog branded properly while maintaining organization and that in itself, can be a bit difficult. If you look at my blog now, I'd say it's pretty organized, but there's something just not right with it, besides the lack of many things. What is there isn't quite my cup of tea and I'd like to improve upon this in the new year.
Spend more quality time with my family
This one really is a personal one. A very personal one. I'm a beginner at blogging, and I'm a student in an online art school. So while maintaining those two alone, it can be busy. But I also have a fiance and a gorgeous baby boy that need tending to. I can't neglect them just because of blogging and school. But I also want to blog because it's an outlet and I've come across so many inspirational people. And school...I can't just drop out. It's something I need to stick to. What the real problem is though, is that when I do have time to play with the baby, it's not like I should. Because of all the things I juggle, the baby hasn't had tummy time like he should (don't worry he's not behind - he can roll onto his back and push his arms, just not straight up yet). I do play with him, but I see other parent bloggers that show their family time and I'm nowhere even close to fulfilling that amount or activities, and this bothers me.
Plan things out
This one's really pretty simple and straightforward. I'm unorganized. In this house, it's almost impossible to be organized. That said, I hope to find a way in the new year to stay a bit more organized, with everything. Bills. Medical records. Blogging. School assignments. Doctor appointments. Literally everything. I have a purse calendar and a wall calendar. The purse calendar keeps track of my weekly posts, but that's about it. I need to schedule and plan out ALL of my posts. My wall calendar only keeps track of holidays, doctor appointments, and school assignments - and sometimes birthdays. It's not big enough to keep track of everything though. I'd like to buy this bulletin board to keep things organized, but with how old the house is, it won't nail into the wall properly.
Eat healthier
This one probably won't happen until we move out because there are people in the house that eat literally everything. That said, I only eat maybe twice a day on the average day. I eat best at holidays, but on normal, regular days, I eat something a few hours after I wake up and dinner. That's literally all I can find to eat is for two small meals.
Graduate successfully
My estimated graduation for my Associates Degree in Photography is in the Fall of 2016. Let's hope for this to happen with great grades and hopefully I can get recommendations upon graduation. I also currently have a GPA of 3.6, but would like to get it back up to a 4.0 by then.
Get our own car and/or home
We. Need. A. Car. This is so important. Obviously we need to get enough money first to get the car, but with a 5 month old baby, we need a car. A new home would be nice because of so many personal reasons along with the things I mentioned in my first goal.
Start getting my career going
Once I graduate in the Fall, I'm hoping to get my pictures into galleries and stock photo websites. I'd like to also sell prints via Etsy. I'd like to make my photos into pillow cases and other novelties as well.
Declutter everything
When I say everything, I mean everything. I need to get rid of sooooo many clothes. Not just the ones that are too small but the ones that I no longer like. I have clothes from when I was 18 that I technically still fit into. I'd also like to define a minimalist style for myself and keep any clothes that fit that style as well as buy clothes that will add to it, while getting rid of everything else for the most part. I also need to clean the whole house that has any part of my own things in it. I need to go through everything and get rid of what I don't need. Same with my storage unit. I'd like to get to where I don't need a storage unit.
Make money and spend it
Lastly, I need money. Like I need it. Badly. My fiance has a job, but it's minimum wage and almost always less than 30 hours a week. That's partially why I looked into blogging. I know I won't make money right away. I'm much too amateur for it still, but over the next year I hope to gain experience enough to join bloggers to be able to make a career out of my photography and make money that way. Then once we can get a few extra bucks, I'd love to buy clothes for my little man to dress him up so adorably! It would be so cute to have him in minimalist clothing as well.
What are your New Year's Goals for 2016?
Leave your goals below!
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